Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Student activity at University of New Orleans

Today I visited the University of New Orleans in Second Life, where Stephen Gasior (SL Stephen Xootfly) showed off his student's work in Second Life. The assignment was to select an animal and in the space of a three panel display present information about the animal's natural history, classification and phylogeny and distribution. These students are in a non majors class and did a fine job with their assignment. So you might go on over to the University of New Orleans region and have a look. You can start your tour and get a map here:


But it's just as much fun to wonder around. Here are a few representative displays:

I really liked how he kept the assignment simple and focused-no building was required of the students but they did have to design their own layouts. Steve brought in judges-yours truly was supposed to be one but of course misread the starting time.

Great job students!

1 comment:

Sanford Hall said...

This is a great piece, keep up the excellent work.